Getting started

Using oemof-B3


Currently, Oemof-B3 needs python 3.7 or 3.8 (newer versions may be supported, but installation can take very long).

In order to install oemof-B3, proceed with the following steps:

  • git-clone oemof-B3 into local folder: git clone

  • enter folder

  • create virtual environment using conda: conda env create environment.yml

  • activate environment: conda activate oemof-B3

  • install oemof-B3 package using poetry, via: poetry install

Alternatively, you can create a virtual environment using other approaches, such as virtualenv.

Oemof-B3 needs pandoc (version > 2) in order to create reports. Pandoc is included in conda environment config (environment.yml). If environment is build otherwise, pandoc must be installed manually. It can be installed following instructions from [Pandoc Installation](

Oemof-B3 further needs demandlib in order to create heat load profiles. Due to an alleged clash of pandas versions, the demandlib cannot be installed with poetry install. A separate installation is therefore necessary:

pip install demandlib

The clash of the pandas version should be fixed with the release of oemof-B3 0.0.2.

For the optimization, oemof-B3 needs a solver. Check out the [oemof.solph]( documentation for installation notes.

To test if everything works, you can run the examples.

For developers: Please activate pre-commit hooks (via pre-commit install) in order to follow our coding styles.

Required: An LP-solver

To use oemof-solph, which does the energy system optimization in oemof-B3, a LP/MILP solver must be installed. To use the CBC solver install the coinor-cbc package. For further details, read the installation instructions on oemof.solph.

If you have installation problems, consider opening an issue.

How to install geopandas under Windows

Geopandas is necessary in oemof-B3 for a small subset of the modeling steps. Therefore it is part of the extras requirements. The installation of geopandas on Windows can be challenging. According to the geopandas documentation ( there are multiple ways to install it. We recommend to use the conda-forge channel:

Simply type

conda install --channel conda-forge geopandas

in the Anaconda prompt.

Required data

Raw input data is currently not provided with the github repository but will be published at a later stage. More information about the raw data format can be found here: Raw data

Workflow management with snakemake: Separating the steps

The modeling of energy systems in most cases entails multiple distinct steps with different processing times (e.g. computations, aggregation, filtering in preprocessing, optimization, establishing derived results, plots and reports in postprocessing).

Separating these steps allows to work on a certain part of the model pipeline without having to re-run all steps that are not affected by it. This can save a lot of time.

The model oemof-B3 uses snakemake to keep the execution of these steps reproducible, adaptable and transparent. Visit the snakemake docs to learn more about snakemake and how to install it.

How can snakemake help at workflow management? The main characteristics of snakemake [1] are:

  • Lightweight workflow management

  • Text-based, python syntax

  • split large data-/workflow into single steps, defined by rules

  • Infers dependencies and execution order (DAG)

  • Reproducible and scalable data analyses

  • Supported languages: BASH commands, Python, Inline python code, R script, R markdown files

More features which facilitate the workflow management are

  • Parallelization (threads, can be even run on clusters such as AWS S3)

  • Resource allocation (entire workflow or per rule)

  • Suspend and resume

  • Logging

  • Modularity

  • Report generation

Snakemake on Linux

To run all example scenarios, execute:

snakemake -j<NUMBER_OF_CPU_CORES> plot_all_examples

Alternatively, to create just the output file or directory of one rule, run:

snakemake -j<NUMBER_OF_CPU_CORES> <output file or folder>

Snakemake on Windows

When running snakemake with output files in subfolders on Windows with

snakemake -j<NUMBER_OF_CPU_CORES>

a MissingRuleException is raised. The process is unable to specify the output files in subfolders. This bug is an open issue in snakemake. A current workaround is described in pypsa-eur. is to run snakemake with the flag --keep-target-files to the command.

snakemake -j<NUMBER_OF_CPU_CORES> --keep-target-files

Contributing to oemof-B3

You can write issues to announce bugs or to propose enhancements.